微软 Dynamics GP

帕特里克·B. Armknecht CPA, CITP 
迈克P. Scalamogna 

Dynamics NAV现在 Dynamics 365商务中心!

作为经验丰富的微软 Dynamics GP实施合作伙伴, Schneider Downs understands the value organizations have placed on their investment in 微软 Dynamics GP, 以前称为大平原.

We recognize that many businesses are struggling to find the right way to incorporate 微软 Dynamics GP into their cloud strategy and are questioning if it’s time to reevaluate the software altogether. 

施耐德唐斯技术顾问可以帮助解决这些问题, 更重要的是, guide you through the complex migration to the cloud – whether this means continuing on-site premises deployment support or migrating 微软 Dynamics GP to 微软 Azure, 或者我们团队认为最好的选择, 迁移到基于云的会计系统,例如 微软Dynamics 365商务中心.

我有什么选择与微软 Dynamics GP?

与任何决定一样,第一步是了解你的选择. 关于微软Dynamics GP客户, 随着支持结束日期的临近,您有三个主要选择.

迁移到Hosted Dynamics GP部署 – This option may be attractive to smaller companies who do not have the IT resources to maintain an on-premises server or larger companies who want to shift their IT resources efforts’ elsewhere; however, 这条道路通常在短期和长期都会招致更高的成本. It also can sometimes add extra hoops for end users to jump through and add additional vulnerability to your network.

迁移到基于SaaS的ERP – Many organizations are choosing this route as it eliminates costs associated with maintaining servers and the risk associated with having on-premises data. It also allows finance teams anywhere-access to their data and is generally backed by at least a 99% uptime SLA and massive annual investments in security (over $1 Billion annually in 微软’s case). 如果你选择这条路线, the Schneider Downs consulting team can help select and implement the ideal cloud ERP. Dynamics 365商务中心 is a great option as there is a direct migration path from Dynamics GP. 微软 also offers dual use rights to GP and Business Central for companies wishing to migrate.

不采取行动 最后也是最危险的选择是什么都不做. Doing nothing will leave your system vulnerable to risks without updates and patches from 微软. 

If you would like to discuss which option is best suited for your organization and situation, 请联系 迈克P. Scalamogna 直接或 安排一个时间 在他的日历上. 



业务专长 -作为一家多方位的专业bet9平台游戏公司, our team has access to a diverse bench of professionals with expertise in a wide range of solutions to augment your implementation, 包括网络安全, 内部审计, 数据分析, 审计与保证, 税收和更多. 

客户端成功 -专注于客户的长期成功, our team prioritizes the importance of thorough documentation and clear instructions to ensure your team can operate independently post-engagement. 

有经验的专业人士 – Our implementation professionals are well-versed in technology and industry-specific concerns, allowing our consultants to hit the ground running and provide true guidance from day one. 

微软知识 -实现团队随着微软的产品而发展, allowing us to gain a thorough understanding of how legacy platforms worked and the steps needed to move clients to the appropriate 微软 solutions. 




SD数字 helps organizations translate technology to transformative change and realize the best version of themselves. 带着前卫的帽子和数码镜头, we empower organizations to realize the art of the possible with the power of digital through business-focused and technology-enabled solutions, 建立在对实用性的坚定承诺之上, 上市速度和用户体验.

更多信息请访问我们的专题 施耐德唐斯数码 呼叫或联系团队直接在 (电子邮件保护).






“我在施耐德唐斯工作了20年. Everyone that I have worked with has been professional, courteous, and supportive of the work we d0. 随着公司多年来的发展, Schneider Downs has made a point in making us aware of the different accounting changes. 当我们开发新项目时, 他们是我们可以用来做出好的商业决策的资源. 我真的很喜欢和员工一起工作!"

"I believe SD brings quality talent to our projects and they are well worth the price we pay!"


"SD has excellent technical skills as well as an excellent understanding of our business. 我们可以开诚布公地谈我们的生意."

“我在施耐德唐斯的经历一直很好. 过去的18个月, 同时体验新冠肺炎的多个方面, 施耐德·唐斯团队一直都很出色. 频繁的咨询、CFO论坛、最佳实践分享等. 在一个独特和不可预测的环境中提供了卓越的效益. More than providing necessary services, they are a terrific resource for our institution.

"Overall knowledge of business and industry along with excellent staff - client interaction, 反馈和工作质量."

“史蒂夫 & 凯文能按时完成我们的工作真是太棒了. Steve is very proactive with our dealerships and the owners with respect to saving income or estate taxes. 史蒂夫是“精英中的精英”."

"Schneider Downs does a great job for us in the audit, tax, and wealth management areas."

"My experience has been one of timely response and expert guidance in a number of areas."




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